 3 comments (so far) on the 06 Jan 2010 entry

Finding the "most elegant solution" may be challenging, but I thought it odd that they call this "fiendishly tricky to prove". We used to get problems of this sort in Class 9 exams.
Are you suggesting a signal processing application also?

Sroyon | 09 Jan 2010 - 04:00 PST

"fiendishly tricky": his audience is primarily the USA, where math is a lost art :)

I can't think of a signal processing application. That seems like a weird request.

Tommy | 09 Jan 2010 - 09:45 PST

Tommy, don't let Sryon fool you about the mathematical abilities of us Indians. He went to a special school where every second kid can do math in his sleep and even there he excelled so much that the school staff named their kids after him. I don't remember having encountered a problem like this in calls 9.

Rahul | 09 Jan 2010 - 14:10 PST



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